Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counter-claims, reasons, and evidence.
b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.
f. Use specific rhetorical devices to support assertions (e.g., appeal to logic through reasoning; appeal to emotion or ethical belief; relate a personal anecdote, case study, or analogy). CA
Weekly Update
Because we were having a difficult time trying to make the veterinarian therapy project work, we decided to stick with the student store since we had already advanced it. The only changes that we were going to make was expand it in a clothing line. We decided to make T-shirts with our own designs and sell them during school as opposed to having to wait after school.
Along with coming up with making and selling T-shirts, we had to do some research. We needed to figure out if we were going to buy, rent, or get a silkscreen donated, or if we were going to go to some place to get them done. Because Melisa and Jazmine go to Ms.Dewey's class for 6th period and they talk about the project, she offered to help us in anything we needed. We had mentioned that we were going to expand the store by selling T-shirts and she said that she knows that Caruthers lends other schools silkscreens.
A Modest Proposal
It is quite depressing seeing the streets empty in the bright afternoon when the sun is still shining above roof tops. When you see that everywhere you go, there are children, teenagers, and adults, not one single person without a phone in their hands. When you see people go in and out of public places without taking their eyes off their cellular devices with their headphones like they don’t want anything to do with anyone except their phones, technology and themselves instead of carrying out a small conversation with one another in waiting rooms, lines to pay, restaurants, stores, or even restrooms. It is depressing to see individuals pull out their phones when asked for their own phone number or when they do not know their best friends number the person who they text with the most. They are becoming antisocial, lazy, inactive, and uneducated. They rely on their phones for everything, including to save data, reminders, and make calculations.
Where are all the children riding their bicycles or running around in the afternoon sun? Where is the laughter or screams of joy? The kids jumping over fences through neighbors backyards or hiding in other people’s gardens while playing hide and seek? The footsteps all over family’s freshly planted flowerbeds? Instead you see them inside through the windows playing on their new devices; xbox, ps3, wii, iphone, ipads, ipods, and laptops. It has now come to everyone’s attention that these kids have spent so much time on these technological devices that they have become experts. They have made it a priority to use these continuously, that they have forgotten the world they live in and have made one of their own. They spend more time fighting off characters and passing more levels than reading or properly spending more time on school work. It has been proven that 70 percent of young individuals spend about 85 percent of their time on some type of technological device throughout each day. In addition 3 out of 5 students are failing their classes in math, science, and English.
Therefore, I propose that we help out these young individuals and future individuals to avoid our society from becoming illiterate. My intentions are merely to help out our future, to ensure that our businesses are run by smart individuals who know what they are doing to therefore stabilize our economy so that our country can run smoothly. I propose that every born child has surgery performed on them the minute they are out of their mothers womb. Every child will have their brain taken out and replaced by a robotic brain that will relieve their body from working too much. This robotic brain will scan everything your eyes see and memorize it. It will distinguish whether if something will be important and delete every unnecessary data within 3 months and will keep any essential information for a life time. It is programmed to make any type of calculation and will hold more memory than what an actual brain can hold. Young individuals would not have to worry about being inactive because it will send sensory receptors that will stimulate your nervous system to exercise your muscles.
Because the robotic brain will be advanced in levels of math, science, literature, and exclusively in areas that will be beneficial to our economy, I will not accept any other expedients such as setting limits, developing other hobbies, exercising weekly, and time management. This proposal will not only benefit the economy but it will also bring peace to everyones lives. There will no longer be children screaming in the afternoons, stomped flowers, or neighbors hiding in your backyards. People will finally be able to leave their windows open and take a nap without getting woken up.