Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Although we had done some changes to our student store cabinet, we still decided that it can use a little more. This week we tried out the store, in other words, we tested it by opening it to see if people would still be asking the usual question, " what do you guys sell?". The snack display on the inside of the door was a success it really helped us from answering that question. But now students were asking for the prices, so we figured out that we better have them written down so they can be visible.

Because we had the inside of the other door empty, we decided to have them written down there. At first we decided to write them down in a poster paper and just tape it on but we thought it would be cooler if it was a chalk board. Melisa looked up paint and she said that they sell chalk board spray paint. During the rest of the week we all pitched in money from our own pocket to give to the twins so that they can go buy it. The following day after they bought it, we went outside and started spray painting the inside of the door. Mr. Paul helped us by recording us spray painting it. We gave it multiple layers to make sure that it was dark enough. We spray painted it during second period and gave it another layer during sixth period that same day. Then finally, we wrote down the items with their corresponding prices.

Standard: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

O - Overview
P - Parts
T - Title
I - Inference
C - Conclusion

O - A crowd of children
P - The contrast is dark, their clothes are dirty, faces are sad, they're crowded, no light, lack of emotion.
T - Coal Mine
I - To portray the lifestyle that children took on, work labor, working conditions, and atmosphere.
C - Used to end child labor, crowded v.s. one child because they wanted to emphasize that there was numerous children working not just one or a few.

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