Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February week 9-13 WRITING STANDARDS 6-12

During this week, Jazmine came back to school and we explained to her the in which we were at. When she arrived she had pointed out that the cabinet in which we had all of our snacks was very dull. She came up with the idea of decorating it, to make it look more friendly so more students would be drawn to buying our snacks. Ever since we got the snacks, they have been in the same boxes in which they came in. We all agreed that it needed to look better so we used some of the poster paper that was in the library and covered up the top shelf. The other thing that we did was put some snacks on display in the shelves that are on the door so that students are able to see what we sell rather than keep asking us.

Standard: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

Warming up to write an argument

  •  Write down at least three objections to each of the following propositions: 
a. Women should be drafted into the military                                        
b. The United Nations should have its own military.                             
c. The euro should now be used in every country of the world.            
d. Every official meeting of Congress should begin with a prayer.      
e. " I am not responsible for saving the world. "                                   

  •  For each of the following areas, list three topics you think you could develop into a persuasive argument.     
         a. Something in your personal life you would like to change 
b. A social or political problem that you needs solving 
c. An area of education you would like to see improve 

  • Sketch out some ideas you would use to support the following quotations: 
a. "Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest violence" -Francis Jeffrey
b. "The most tragic paradox of our time is to be found in the failure of nation-states to recognize the imperatives of internationalism." -Chief Justice Earl Warren
c. "There is no greater lie than a truth misunderstood. " -William James                                            
d. "To be success in business, be daring, be first, be different. "  - Marchant                                      
e. " The drive toward complex technical achievement offers a clue to why the U.S is good at space gadgetry and bad at slum problems. " - John Kenneth Galbraith  

1 a.  -Not enough physical strength against man                                    
-Alter military image(feminism)                                              
                             -End of chivalry                                                                                                    
                        b. -Violate a nations sovereign borders                                                                           - Was created to make peace not other way around                    
- Too costly                                                                                  
c. - There would no longer exist a difference between countries          
- Values will remain the same                                                    
- Currency provides national identity                                        
d. - Different religion                                                                          
- Atheist                                                                                    
- Religion shouldn't be a factor in decision making                
e. - Recycle                                                                                      
- Save water                                                                          
- Go green                                                                            
2a.- Attitude, Family, Housing                                                          
                  b. - Criminal Justice, Prejudice, Child Abuse                                                  
                           c. Make students responsible for own learning, prepare for college, and life after high school
3a. -Prejudice brings out hatred                                                      
b. more patriotic                                                                        
c. you have to make sure you say it clear                                
d. you can't have a good business with emotion                      
e. U.S does nothing to help poor                                              

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